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Friday, February 1, 2008


"In a day, when you don't come across any problems, you can be sure that you're traveling in a wrong path." - Swami Vivekananda

What's Up?

OK guys, check this out... Finally I got it, my driving license! I can drive around now...ahaha. Today was a long tiring day for me. All thanks to Chung Zeng for bringing me out and to the JPJ office. Damn...was in the office for about 2 hours. Waited for about 30 minutes till my turn and that was still fine. The worst is, when it's my turn, they said my data or whatever has not been key in the computer yet. We waited for them for 1 hour plus to key in and was so bored and pissed off. Yeah! excellent service... Ah well, people tend to do things slow nowadays.

I think that's all for today...

093Good Night!


美丽莎 ♥ said...

no fair!my jpj test knk postponed!damn it.

Unknown said...

oh man jinkiat.. tat was a bad move :p 2 hrs.. i thought if go early we can get things done earlier.. mana tau... still hafta wait TWO HOURS SOMEMORE... ~.~ agree about with the service... excellent..

Jin Kiat said...

[melissa] kesian...
[james] celaka one but thx for bringing me there

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