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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Genesis - 2008

"Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each." - Henry David Thoreau

What's up?

Happy New Year 2008!!! Finally...2007 had come to an end, and now it will be a new beginning of another year. A new year...we hope for a better year to come. I just want to wish each and everyone of you a happy and blessed to come. For those who are going for further studies, just wanna say good luck and all the best in whatever you do. However, for those who are not doing anything till results is out, just keep yourself safe...ahaha. Don't do stupid stuff and get killed or something...LOL!

Well...year 2007 has been a busy year for me. Many things had happened...the good and the bad, the happy and sad moments. For the good times, we'll just keep it and carry on our life. The bad?? Ahh...try to forget and learn from every mistakes we made. Haha...I don't think I was a good boy last year. So let's hope I'll be better this year!

028Good Night!

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