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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sun Day

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see." - Arthur Schopenhauer

What's up?

Finally it's Sunday, which is an off day for everyone and me too. No training today...ahaha, slept the whole afternoon. Well, church was great. Today I played drums for the praise and worship, I would say it's not bad since it's my first time...ahaha. Thanks to Joseph for teaching me and Keane for helping me in development. Esther and Joanne were back from Australia. LOL...haven seen them so quite some time. At least they're still the same.

Just bought a new pair of running shoes. My old one is worn out. And yeah, for the past few days, I've been doing some movies review. Since I'm so bored and nothing better to do.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketGood Night!

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