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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


What's up?

Today has been a boring day for me, sleep all Didn't go for extra class today and NOT going tomorrow either I guess...ahaha.

Tried to study biology and guess what?? Nothing could actually get into my mind. Damn! Another one is history which is also a hell subject for me, not going to be a politician or whatever. All the memorising subject are blowing my mind off. Ah! Moral is the worst subject a student should study, the syllabus are so old, so many nilai-nilai to memorise and guess's completely shit. The more people study that, the worse people become...the heck with that subject?! Can't they just take away that subject which will save the students from having too many subjects. Whatever it is, it's just less than 1 month for the SPM. Not really prepared for it but who cares? Just sit for it and get lost.

Well, good luck to all who is going to sit for this exam.

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