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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


"While the price of freedom and security is high, it is never too high!" - George W. Bush

What's Up?

Only the second day and my brain cannot stand anymore! Think until crazy already. LOL...Chemistry was totally a blast for me! It's only the beginning and it's so complicated. Our lecturer teach so much a one go and the problem is that the things are so new to me. Whatever in SPM is almost totally different to the stuff I'm learning now. But yeah, our Chemistry lecturer, Dr. Lee is a superb! Seriously, she really go straight to the point and very clear. I've already done about 6 pages of notes today...ahaha! My brain is still not ready to receive that much of information yet. Still rusty eh, no study for about 5 months since SPM.

For other subjects, I've not much to say so far.

Mathematics was fine. It's quite related to our SPM level, just that we learn more advanced stuff. Our lecturer, Ms. Winnie was good too. She teach step by step so we all can fully understand.

Physics was ok too. So far so good, the stuff are quite straight forward too. Maybe it's just the beginning but at least it's better than Chemistry. LOL! Our lecturer is so funny bah, the way he look and act makes us laugh the heck out of it. Haha! He kept on saying Physics is very easy and he said he will make all things easy for us when it's hard. LOL...we shall see about that.

For Critical Thinking, only had one lesson yesterday. So I don't know what is it actually about. We are only asked to write a short essay so that our lecturer can see our standard.

So I think that's all for now. Can't spend too much time on the computer already...ahaha!

096Good Night! 082_02

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