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Monday, July 5, 2010

PBC Duathlon 2010 #1

I had my first duathlon of the year last Saturday. Heh! Quite a good start actually. I did better than last year though it wasn't that impressive YET.

Race Statistics
1km Run = 4:55 mins
17km Cycle = 37:45 mins
5km Run = 31:04 mins
Overall = 1:13:44 hours
(Previous record = 1:18:05 hours)

The champion was an 'ang mo' who clocked a time of 55:24 mins. My time for the next is 1:10 hours and below. Well, still need lots of improvement on cycling and 5km run :) But I'll rather focus more on cycling first. Heh...


Road bikes.
Dreaming of having one :p

Too bad, my friend and I got to use mountain bike only.

Bike of the day

one resolution down! (#3)

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