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Monday, June 21, 2010

Bola Bola Bola!

Yea... I know it has started quite some time ago. Remember the last world cup which was in 2006, where I actually woke up at 2am to watch the finals between Italy and France.

It was a school day though and guess what? I had a terrible day ahead. Haha! Those who stayed up to watch were actually sleeping in class the whole day. Well, personally I'm not a football fanatic like some others. But just to join the fun. Heh...

For this year, I did not watch most of the matches because it's just too late. I would catch up with some of the earlier matches if possible.

And most recent match watched...

North Korea just got THRASHED by Portugal

Huhu! It's a 7 - 0

Entirely no chance for the Koreans

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