"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." - Thomas Alva Edison The Box That's it! Simple... Wall-mounted! Lighter view... A Computer My workstation. Ahaha! Chung Zeng(right), as the first guest to try out. Another one. Ask him what he thinks about it... That's all! So, what do you think about it?
Before I post some photos up, let's get to know about the computer system. Ahaha...in this case, it might be not as good as your PC because it's not the best product. But yeah...since I'm not gonna use it to do very high-performance stuff, so I guess it's good enough. As long can online and do some basic stuff...ahaha!
System Information:
Motherboard : ASUS M2A-VM
Processor : AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 4800+ 2.50GHz
RAM : Two 1GB Kingston DDR2 RAM
Display : Integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 1250
Storage : 250GB Maxtor SATA Hard Disc
OS Name : Microsoft Windows XP Professional (with Service Pack 2)
I guess that's all we need to know. If there is other things that you wish to know, don't feel hesitate to ask me. Ahaha...I might change to Windows Vista when the time comes.
Now, the photos......
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yay! New Computer...
Yeah! Finally...my new computer is assembled; and that's just awesome! Daddy bought all the components separately and fixed by his own. Not only that, this computer might look different and unique. Why? Because it's wall-mounted...
With Love From
Jin Kiat
9:04:00 PM
Labels: Computers, Graphics, It's all about me, Technology
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hmm.. it is not so nice.. u can throw it away then i will pick it up :p
IT IS AWESOME LA... the motherboard itself is power enuf.. the graphic is sweet.. if plus graphic card.. it is a gaming comp hahaaha.... it's my honor to be the 1st guess to use it.. it is fast.. n new.. fresh... Hooray to Jin K's dad!
thanks! :D
u ah! o0o o0o...
haha...jking. yala u, so lucky to be the first one.
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