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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Love My Oil

035 "Petrol Price Increase = Shit!" 041

Damn it!!! I love my oil but my oil doesn't love me. How sad is that? It will increase by 78sen from RM1.91 per litre to RM2.70! That's a 40% increase. For Diesel is even worst, a increase by RM1 from RM1.58 to RM2.58. Man...this is really ridiculous!

Crap... everything is increasing now, what have our world become? Hell? Maybe some of you had heard that it will only will by August but what happen today? The Prime Minister announced it will increase by midnight. Out of a sudden! I went to fill up my tank just now and the place is still packed. All the petrol stations were packed since evening, whole road was jam...all because of this 'kanasai' petrol price! What happen to the subsidy?'s gone...... We're gonna be in chaos! F*ck!@~

Source : TheStar

I found this 'interesting' article from Malaysia Today. Maybe some of you might be interested about it, something to do with our petrol price.

The 56 Billion Ringgit Question - Read and think about it.

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