And trust You more each day,
So when the storms of life appear
I will not drift away.
I am with you always, even to the end of the age. — Matthew 28:20
With Love From
Jin Kiat
10:09:00 PM
Labels: Bible Verses, Christianity, Devotionals, Graphics
With Love From
Jin Kiat
1:12:00 AM
What's Up?
Okies... Here's the weekend again. So I'll just do some update. Let's see what happened this week, nothing much basically; just a life of a normal college boy.
With Love From
Jin Kiat
11:39:00 PM
Labels: Events, Graphics, It's all about me
With Love From
Jin Kiat
10:30:00 PM
Labels: Bible Verses, Christianity, Events, Graphics
With Love From
Jin Kiat
10:46:00 PM
Labels: Bible Verses, Christianity, Events, Graphics
Blah!~ Mock exam is over. Thank God for His wisdom and guidance:) Haha...finally can have some time to relax. The real one is yet to come next month. So for now, need to polish some of my weak points before facing the real exam.
On Monday I was having Physics. was good I guess:) Able to answer all the questions but don't know correct or not la. That's another issue...ahahaha! I've not been spending much time on Physics so I guess I need to start more serious revision now.
On Tuesday I was having Chemistry. Ulalala...this one..erm... not really good but still not too bad:) Hehe.. Paper 2 was fine but paper 1 was kinda tough. Hope my paper 2 will be able to pull my marks higher.
On Wednesday I was having Mathematics. Hehe...I love maths and enjoy doing it. I guess this time was fine too. Expected to get the highest marks among all the subjects provided no careless mistakes or wrong concept. Uhh~ But was great!
Today, last will be Thinking Skills. Haha! The killer for those who can't think critically. Seriously, I can't judge whether it will be good or not. I'm able to answer the questions. Yeah, that's great but the problem is...whether you're right or wrong. Ahh~ If you're thinking is not right then...KO lah!~
Everyone so happy because today last paper. After we finish, Jeremy, Kim Teck and I went for lunch in Fratini's. Now got 50% off ma, so go makan some pasta la. Lunch was great! Then after that we go to our secondary school, SMK St. Columba since we were nearby only. Haha! I miss that place... I start to reflect all the memories there. Seems that the school will have lots of new stuff and activities after the new principal came in. Kim Teck and Jeremy wanted to take their SPM official certificate but office close so...too bad.
After that, we headed to MCC. LOL! Gaming time! It's beem quite some time since the last time I play game. So we were so excited to play Left 4 Dead, shoot zombies. Haha! Lepas geram ah? It sucked in the beginning because we can't connect into the game but it was after that. Even Luffy came to join us after that. 4 of us had fun time la~ I play until pening kepala la. The game pusing here and there one. Then have to drive somemore, feel so dizzy and sleepy. After picking up my brother, straight away go home zZz...
Yeah well..that's about it for this week. Hehe:) Thank God tomorrow is a holiday since it's Good Friday. I'll have a longer weekend. Perfect time to clear my mind a little.
Good Night
With Love From
Jin Kiat
10:33:00 PM
Labels: Graphics, It's all about me
With Love From
Jin Kiat
11:34:00 PM
Labels: Graphics, It's all about me