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Monday, October 13, 2008

Spiritually Dry

Yeah, it's happy to be 18 years old. It's always one of the happiest day of the year for me, who doesn't right? Thank God for His grace and mercy on me for 18 years.

A wonderful present from uncle Kayode.

Everyday seems to be a happy day for me, even after 18 years, everything is going on well...etc. But if you can look inside me, I'm actually spiritually dry. I just felt that I don't have a close relationship with God. Everything looks great all these while, but what if one day God decide to take it away from me? What is left for me?

So for today, I would say I received the best birthday 'present'. I believe God had sent this person to wake me up again. Around 7pm, one of my church elder, Uncle Kayode visited me to have some personal discussion with me. As usual, he just ask some basic questions about what I normally do daily, hows my relationship with God...etc. As the conversation goes on, I soon realise that I've not been doing what I'm supposed to do. I can spend so much time on other stuff, but I just couldn't spend some time with God.

As the eldest son of the family and the oldest in my youth cell group, I believe that the younger ones will look up on me as a leader, but the thing is, I don't think I've been setting a good example for them. I'm 18 now and it's time to get more serious in certain aspects.

Some verses I would like to share that really did a great impact on me tonight...

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
(Matthew 6:33)

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."
(Joshua 1:8)

I'll always keep those verses in mind. I've been slacking with God's word all these while. Can't even think what I've done for these 18 years. Well, it's never too late to start. I'll get started!!!

So once again, today isn't a special day because of my birthday, but it's a special day that I've decided to start off with a new life. A day to remember...

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jin Kiat...
Happy belated birthday to u..may all ur wishes come true...
God bless!! =)

Jin Kiat said...

Thanks!!! My wish is to beat Ah Heng in badminton forever...:P

Anonymous said...

hahaha...good good!!
Ur Ah Heng gogo knows a lot of things o, so u still got a lot to beat leh...=P

Jin Kiat said...

hahaha! i know..

takes time, slowly la...

:: keanie-weanie :: said...

Step out of your comfort zone baby, then you'd see all there is in the name of God.

I've been very spiritually dry too. As in, in the recent weeks. I have serious doubts on the deity and existence of God and the power of Christ and the Bible that it's really rocking my faith.

I've posted up links on my blog to Apologetics websites if you want studies on the bible by Bible scholars.

Anyways, besides the dry period of time, God has shown me that even when I remain faithLESS, He is faithFUL!

He is still being merciful and awesome to me, more to what I can describe. It's good that you got someone to whack you out of your delirium of sleep in the Spirit. Everyone needs that once in a while.

Never give up your quest on discovering God and there isn't actually an end to it. Continue to persevere.

Read the book of James for real good guides. Romans and Hebrews have good teachings from Paul inspired by God. And the Four Gospels have teachings from the Man Himself, Jesus. Psalms have promises from psalmists and King David himself. Proverbs have good proverbs by King Solomon on how to live your life right. haha. Knock yourself out.

I'll keep you in my prayers. Will look forward to seeing you in KL. Hopefully I'm around then! ahhaha..most probably can lah..

Blessed belated birthday once again.

God bless.


:: keanie-weanie :: said...
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Jin Kiat said...


Thanks very much for your advice. Guess it's time for me to wake up and realise what's happening.

Yeah! God will always an awesome God!

God Bless!

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