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Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Break

It's been a week since I got back home. Ahh... after being out for months and going through uni life, home is just the best place to be. Well, nothing much changes, everywhere is pretty the same.

I'm having 3 months plus of summer break which means many things can be done.
Few things I'm going to do:

1. Internship

Started since Monday. Got myself hooked with an air-conditioning company and I'm in the servicing department. Man... Everyday is a great day; put aside the long working hours and low salary :p I even got to work half day on Saturday. Hah! So what I do? Go around fixing and repairing people's air-cond, carrying heavy stuffs, holding tools, climbing up rooftops and ceilings. Better than sitting in the office facing the screen and get your butts burnt out. Skill workers are needed nowadays, no point being good in brains but bad in hands. Kena tipu pun tak tau! Haha!

Another thing is the experience, now mixing around with industrial workers are totally different from office workers. They really have a different mindset and different way to approach. But they're wonderful people. When I see them, I feel that life is easy and satisfying. We often get worried about everything but when I see them, take life easy man! "Relax dulu, pergi makan" LOL? Belum kerja sudah makan? I love talking with them too, like it or not, they're jokers! Feel happy every single day.

2. Training

"Work Hard, Train Hard, Play Hard"

Read it! Understand it! Do it!
Haha! Best thing in the world. Gonna boost my fitness level to a higher level. Let's see how far I'll go after 3 months.

3. Read

If you want to lead, you need to read.

Gonna work on my spiritual and character area. Want to be a better person each day, making people surrounding me happy. That's life!

4. Movies

Been missing lots of good movies in a while.

I believe all these are sufficient for these few months.
Let the fun begins...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Will Smith - Mindset Wisdom

Watch & Learn!


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